Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Morning At The Zoo

After the race we got medals and food! The boys really had a good time. The boys really liked the zoo. It has changed a lot since the last time I was there.
One of the cool things we got to do was to feed the giraffes.
We got there at the end of the feeding so they weren't very hungry. The baby giraffe was really cute.

We ended up walking 7 1/2 miles including the race and the zoo. We were VERY tired. We being me and Matt, not the boys!

5K Family Style

Yesterday we participated in the Link 4 Life run at the Sedgwick County Zoo. It was a 5K (3 mile) race (well, more of a walk/pull). Jarrett started out on Chris's shoulders but that didn't last long. Jackson wasn't excited about being up so early on a Saturday. The race started at 7:45. It was about 45 degrees and he was cold so Chris gave him his gloves.
Matt pulled the wagon the whole way. Jarrett was in and out of the wagon but ended up riding most of the way.
Here we are after the race. We finished in about 50 minutes. Chris finished ahead of us but we don't know what his time was.
I plan to do the River Run this year. It is a 10K (6 miles). I'm trying to get Chris to do it with me.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Loud Noises

When there are loud noises, Jarrett covers his ears. Jackson on the other hand, covers his cheeks.



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