Here is a comment left by Roger on the last post:
Hi it's Roger. I wanted to stop by and say thank you to my sister Teresa to keeping everyone updated on her blog. The last few days have been very hard on us as a family, and it is nice to see that so many people are keeping us in mind. Some people have inquired as to what they can do. One thing is to post your words of encouragement and praise here. Skyler has been very brave and strong in these days in the hospital. His first day there they were drawing blood, checking his blood sugar and checking on him constantly and he did not complain once. I can tell now that he will meet this challenge and do well. Another way to help is to let people know what has happened to him, not to draw attention to him but to let people know what the warning signs are so that we can increase the chance that another child may get the help they need before it gets as bad as he was. One of the first sings is an increase in thirst and urination, looking back at the last 2 weeks we saw it but really didn't think anything of it and with a little education maybe we would of got the help for him before he got real bad. I recapped the day on my guilds forum (yes I play wow) and I will just post a link instead of posting it all here.
Thank you everyone for your concern. :)Roger
January 16, 2009 12:42 AM
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